Mon - Sat: 08.00 am - 05:00




the latest mobile
application technology



into the heads and hearts of people from a distance


in the right way to get maximum output to feed our communities

Help to those who need it

What are the obstacles?

The majority of small-scale producers/farmers in Cambodia do not maintain daily financial records.

Trainers and NGOs do not connect and engage with communities closely enough.

The land is not well managed and is damaged, leading to food shortages.

There is insufficient access to the markets and to reliable economic information.

Training is often ineffective, leading to poor management of daily activities

Job crises lead to family crises as relocation breaks up communities

damdoh logo

The DamDoh App

The DamDoh App

Helps Farmers Produce Food

Provides Relevant Skills and Soft-Skill Training

Help Craftspeople Produce Handcrafts

damdoh app
damdoh app
damdoh app
damdoh app
damdoh app

Break the cycle of poverty
through smart mobile technology!

We offer you an amazing opportunity for your team or organisation to engage with local communities more easily and effectively.

Donor-based funding models have dominated the economic scene of Cambodia but they are not sustainable.

In a nutshell, the DamDoh App is a platform for:

Restoring Livelihood

DamDoh is a union of visionaries, inventors, programmers, creators, coaches and mentors, coming together to bring back the balance between our life, our living, and our livelihood. We believe that honest, hard work brings us a sense of dignity.

Ending Family Crises

Many social entrepreneurs and community-based organizations, including DamDoh, are recognizing this and creating new approaches that are not based on grants and donations, but on Cambodia’s rich local resources as a means of generating income and ending the phenomenon of labour migration.

From anywhere in the world, access the activities of your respective communities and help them to build agri-business prototype to generate profit for sustainable living.



Take advantage of an app designed to restore hope by creating jobs in every community. Farm managers and producers - make use of DamDoh as a productivity tool, helping you manage your production resources through our “Tracing” function, and support each other in a holistic way through our “Training” function. Use it to coach, mentor and make connections, restoring “Life, Living, and Livelihood” to the high and the low, the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated throughout this nation.

Only the RIGHT WORK can bring VALUE and DIGNITY to LIFE

Using mobile application technology for Coaching, mentoring, and the connections to restore Life, Living, and Livelihood through this latest technology in the Industrial 4.0

Through a smart, functional digital platform called Damdoh, which provides training for the least educated people in the community, facilitating their use of local and natural resources to make products or provide services for sustainable living. Damdoh will join to secure the necessities of life in every community by restoring good work through smart training and farming, using the latest mobile application technology.

Every drop of water contributes to the sea…

Concrete unity in the
communities you engage with

Researchers, trainers, and trainees communicate directly, using our online platform to post research documents, lessons, or training courses. Prices range from free to small amounts that are affordable for farmers and producers

Progress of your learning and production practices is tracked to help you accurately predict output data: weather, soil data, fertilizer and pesticide use, and inventory are also tabulated. Smart tracking of financial performance in each area of your project’s performance helps you calculate and predict your revenue stream.

We live in an age of highly developed data processing; DamDoh collects quality data for better decision-making. Equipped with traceability technology, supply-chain management, and product authentication, community developers can easily communicate with and fully support their contracted communities.

Instead of finding the market, mobilize and create the market right inside your community! Provide a seller-buyer platform to efficiently supply and demand products. DamDoh will create a marketplace with business ethics and integrity for the dignity of producers across Cambodia.

Our tech helps you go from Farm to Fork

Our 3-functions-in-1 mobile app assists NGOs and social entrepreneurs with their local producer/farmer contacts

Community Care and Network

We leverage digital technology to effectively advance and develop the scope and diversity of producer’s projects

Mobile Training

We connect communities with agriculture universities and related trainers to provide quality training courses for those on the move

Ease of Use

Created by a tech developer with more than 18 years experience, who understands the needs of local communities

Quality Data Crunching

You can create decision flow-charts based off from our hi-tech data collection and crunching system

Family Values

We focus on job creation in order to break the cycle of poverty and bring parents back home


Manil Ek For over 20 years, Manil has worked directly in the area of community development - with street children, slum communities, and in rural areas. In the urban arena, Manil has served as instructor, coach, and life skill trainer. His diverse experience has given him a unique perspective on the challenges facing Cambodians. Over the years, he has observed two common problems in every community. Firstly, the sustainability of Cambodians’ daily livelihood, and secondly, the frustrations of NGOs and coaches as they try to engage closely with local communities. Sok Chou With this burden in mind, in 2016 Manil and his friend Sok who holds a Master degree in System Software from South Korea. Sok has over 20 years of system programming and management experience in various products and services provided for different NGOs, companies, private banks, and government-related projects. Sok is the lead developer of DamDoh. For the past 6 years he has been developing and building this whole mobile digital platform. The aim of this program is to assist and help individual farmers/producers connected with various NGOs, Agriculture Cooperatives, and private companies. The DamDoh mobile app intends to establish a circular of urban and rural agriculture by mobilizing and making use of existing local resources. The goal is to restore life, living, and livelihood to each respective community. It will add value to families, join in cutting down migration, empower women’s economic well-being, and establish food security in the midst of climate change.

Are you looking for a tool to:

Engage with the community better?

Restore the livelihood of the community?

Join cutting down the migration?

Empower women in social economic?

Join tackling the climate change?

Collect a high-quality farm product to sell on the retail market?

The top most frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Coding and operating this kind of program costs a lot of time, energy, and money. We have been working on this project since 2016. So, yes, we are serious about this great and exciting project. We are a registered as a social enterprise with a Co., ltd. certificate and regular to report tax. Developed by someone with 18 years of experience with a community developer and doctor orate candidate in programming from S. Korea, who experienced in developing many advanced programming.
No, it is a mobile application technology to help Farmers/Producers to produce high-quality and trusted products so that they may get a sustainable income. It is also a program to help NGOs support the community and any private companies to bring products that produce in this system to the markets.
Yes, this program is built by an experienced community developer who understood the need of the poor. If your team or organization provides financial services as well as financial education and business skills, this tool will be the best to dive deep into micro-business coaching or mentoring.
The mobile app aims to help farmers/producers to produce high-quality products on time and yes, it will be always FREE for them with most of the needed functions. Except, later when we integrate with some of the functions that are supplied by the third party, we will charge whenever Farmers/Producers want to upgrade.
It costs a lot to develop and operate this whole system on our side, and yes, we also need sustainable funding to keep this project going. So if you are an NGO or Private Company that wishes to have an ADMIN DASHBOARD to make an easier network with your farmers or producers, please kindly drop an email, WhatsApp, or Telegram us for an appointment to discuss an affordable price and contract.
It all depends on what your area of interest is. Anything that you would think worth giving a shot, we will help you plan your model. We have experts and a team who will help you with proper farm-work to get high quality and high amount of yield. If you follow all our training and instructions we guarantee the market for your products.
It all depends on what your area of interest is, anything that you would think worth giving a shot. We will help you plan your model. We have experts and a team who will help you with farm-work.
This is a unique opportunity for you to experience a farmer’s life. How climate affects your crop, how the market reacts, diseases, government rules and regulations, and many other unforeseen acts of God, you’ll be faced with many such issues. Just like a real farmer. But hey, isn’t that what makes us a good food-grower?
If you are an NGO or Private Company, you know that Digital Illiteracy is a big challenge for third-world countries across the globe. But they have no choice since the world goes into digitalization. We advise you to first get experience in the smaller communities and then take your model to a bigger community.
Sure, besides getting training from the related training course inside the app , we can send our trainer to train and walk alongside you if you’d wish so to make your farm business grow. There are other some more premium functions coming along the way like smart soil analysis, smart fertilizer, smart irrigation monitoring, and smart control workers…etc.
As a faithful person with little things, following all the instructions and guidance in the app, you will be successful. In the end, everything comes from effort and also depending on the condition of learning capacity and resources you have.
Contact us to discuss, and we will provide you a Web Admin Dashboard that you can use to monitor your trainers, training course, and local farmers or communities networks right in one spot.
Sure, generally, farmers struggle to bring their products to the market. If you have the heart to help them with fair trade, our system is the best to connect with hundreds and thousands of farmer networks that you have in reach.
Yes. We request for you to please contact us to let us know the country you are from before you access the app. Since developers are working in Cambodia, we use Cambodia as a pilot testing of this program, and yes you can always use it anywhere in the world.
1) We stand on Value Chain, ecosystem benefit. Anyone involved in this must grow and sustain together.
2) This kind of technology should come out in the next 5 or 10 years, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we need it more than ever to restore individual and community economies together. We did not expect, when we developed it in 2016, that this program would be more useful in this Covid-19 pandemic.
Thank you so much for showing interest in this initiative. The first thing you should do is, any time from Monday to Friday, send us a message at, or Call/Text/WhatsApp/ Telegram us at +855 11 893 894.